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Old 09-20-2002, 07:17 AM   #3
Sandy Barnes Sandy Barnes is offline
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Joined: Mar 2002
Location: Tampa Bay, FL
Posts: 99

I do antique shows. Actually, I share a booth with a jeweler and appraise jewelry (my real job), but will be taking my paintings for the first time this weekend. Because I have adopted the "old master" style of painting I think they will work well. I had a banner made and did nice postcards with my name and a picture on the front and my price list on the reverse. The paintings will hang from our pole and drape backdrop which is usually bare.

This weekend is the first big show in the Tampa Bay area in about three years. I also go to the Scott antique show in Atlanta every month, which would be a great venue for portrait painters. This show has something like 1500-1800 vendors and not a single portrait artist among them! The south (especially Atlanta) is big on portraiture. Booth rent is relatively inexpensive and the foot traffic is heavy. I see lots of old (many are bad or damaged) paintings with hefty prices on them and they sell! Thursday is set-up day but also open to the public, this is when the designers come. I would imagine they are always on the look-out for talent. It's probably the next best thing to advertising in Veranda or Southern living. We sell BIG diamonds (5 - 10 Ct. is not unusual -- so the show-going public has huge disposable incomes).

Atlanta is not far from you. Come and see me at the Scott show, I am in the front row of the South building.
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