I have made all the mistakes mentioned so far.
My Mona Lisa copy from 1969, one of the first paintings I ever did, is very dark because of too much medium and "refreshing" layers of varnish over time. I will do almost anything to avoid repeating that mistake.
I have settled on the use of what is called "Mayers Medium" which concist of : 5 parts Turpentine, 1 part Stand Oil and 1 part Dammar. This is not a quick drying medium but it does the trick for me. The mixture of 5 turps to 1 Stand Oil vill delute the paint without making it matte and the Dammar will speed up the drying a bit.
I think that it is the best compromize because it works for me, especially because it is now possible to buy Flake White here in Denmark ( Flake White, known to be a fast drier)