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Old 09-19-2002, 06:01 PM   #1
Linda Ciallelo Linda Ciallelo is offline
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Glazing question

Most of what I know about oil painting was learned at a forum that doesn't approve of glazing in the sense that one shouldn't use very much medium to dilute the pigment to produce your glaze. I have seen very old paintings that appeared to be mostly clear medium, in the top layers, with very little pigment. I like the way that looks.

I have read that it is perfectly acceptable to use layers of retouch varnish(damar diluted with turps). This would be medium (damar) with "NO" pigment. So why is it not acceptable to apply a layer that is medium with a small amount of pigment?

I really want to use some transparent color that shines and has depth, like colored glass. What is the best way to achieve this?
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