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Old 09-19-2002, 05:50 PM   #9
Linda Ciallelo Linda Ciallelo is offline
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Michael, I have been using a modified version of that academic palette with good results. I am using mostly Doak's paints, because I like his colors and texture, and they don't dry out too fast. I'm using Sinopia (mars violet), Terra Rosa, Raw Sienna, Lead Tin Yellow, Burnt Umber, and Turkey Umber. I also use flake white, titanium white, and zinc white, in different mixtures.

Doaks Turkey Umber is similiar to your black and green mixture. It works wonderfully against his burnt umber for the warm and cool folds in white fabric. I would probably use ivory black for any bluish shadows. Another color that I find useful is unbleached titanium, because it's warm, it makes a good mixing white.
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