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Old 09-06-2008, 05:25 PM   #1
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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Portrait of Sudanese Girl to be Auctioned October 1 on Ebay

Ebay Auction October 1, 2008
Portrait of Sudanese Girl
100% of all Proceeds to benefit UNHCR for People of Darfur

Last year I painted a portrait of a little Sudanese girl standing in one of the "feeding centers" in Darfur for the United Nations UNHCR branch. Unfortunately the auction did not take place and I was urged to put the painting up for auction through Ebay / Mission Fish.

Since Ebay is mostly for bargain hunters, my biggest fear has been that not enough funds will be raised to make a difference. After almost a year of making contacts and major campaigning, newspaper coverage, etc. the painting is heading for auction.

I am asking my fellow artist friends to please join in the effort to further help me spread the word.

All you have to do is insert a pre-made widget or the image of this painting with a link to on your social networking site to raise awareness that this auction will be taking place. Please visit the site to learn more.

I want to show that we as individuals have enough power to move mountains, as long as we stay committed enough and join forces with each other.

I hope you will choose to make a difference in the life of those less fortunate as us.

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Enzie Shahmiri
Professional Portrait Artist
Founder of Southern California Society of Portrait Artists
World Market Portraits Blog
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