Thread: Angie
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Old 07-21-2008, 12:21 PM   #3
Michael Georges Michael Georges is offline

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Richard, this is nice...thanks for posting it!

Very much gives the feel of watercolor, very soft. Is this a stylistic choice, or just how it turned out? What materials are you working with in this?

I like the placement of the head in the space. The area below her face gives the feel of folded arms, but I think it could use a bit more definition as, IMO, it weakens the composition.

I agree about the position and angle of the ear, and wonder at the shadow across the front of the nose as your light source seems to indicate that there would be a highlight area going most of the way down and then also on the tip of the nose. I am wondering if her closer eyebrow is not actually higher in the reference. She has very characteristic female brows and they usually sit higher on the brow bone because of how they are shaped. The shadow value on the side of the nose feels too deeply expressed, as does the shadow under the nose wing. The shadow on the side of her face flattens it, and it would be a rounded cheek and thereby have some more value transitions to make it feel so. Finally, the far eye looks flat rather than round - at least as it is depicted on my monitor.
Michael Georges
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