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Old 06-29-2008, 05:42 AM   #23
Mischa Milosevic Mischa Milosevic is offline
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Joined: Dec 2005
Location: Bad Homburg, Germany
Posts: 707
Peter, I quite enjoyed your introduction and comments posted. I also appreciate your honesty and struggles whether in art or everyday matters, and your cander while expressing your point of view. I have been attempting to come out to Malaga, Saville way, to pickup a used concert guitar for a while now (new guitars being pricey for a hobbyist). This is where the question comes up 'how much are you willing to spend', to which I would respond with "as least as possible." Then they would say, Hmmm? I sigh, and thats the end of the matter. But I, I do not stop there....

To me, the search is like the artist searching to paint that perfect, dream come true, painting. The one painting that will get him there. And when we get there, will one know that they have arrived or if this place is where they wish to be?

Even though some will label me a professional, and my students are beyond them selves in what, now, they are able to do with a pencil, I personally see my self as a student, one that loves the challenges and experiences of the life the "artist" lives.

Somehow, I sens this in your tone as well, maybe I'm wrong? Maybe, this is where I get the cuff...

I really like your use of space and tonal balance in your work.

A hearty welcome Peter

Last edited by Mischa Milosevic; 06-29-2008 at 05:03 PM.
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