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Old 06-29-2008, 02:13 AM   #22
Peter Dransfield Peter Dransfield is offline
Joined: Jun 2008
Location: Malaga, Spain
Posts: 91
Hobson's choice

The only way out of that commercial reality is to do what the impressionists or the Vienna artists did and band together, In their case it worked but they were for the most part in the same place geographically etc and the individual artist isolated from his.her peers cannot escape the gallery unless they have the wherewithall to stump up the cost of renting or buying their own gallery...ah well. I did look into the cost of renting a gallery for a month in Paris many years ago but the answer had a bleaching effect on my skin tones and I turned to rustling up permission to hold mini exhibitions in companies I worked with. That did bring the odd sale but......
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