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Old 09-08-2002, 10:53 PM   #19
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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Dear Kevin,

I have enjoyed seeing your portrait of Kirsty, as well as the thought process involved in considering the composition. It's difficult, indeed, to follow Steven's characteristically comprehensive critique, but I'll offer a couple of thoughts.

First, with regard to the composition, even though the hues in the background are varied, their values are not. As a result, the figure is rather unconnected to the background. By altering the values in part of the background, I think the subject could be better integrated with the surroundings, and anchored (as opposed to floating) within the perimeter of the frame.

Second, with regard to marketing, in this case I would probably tend to agree with your wife, and perhaps paint a little lace chemise (or something equally unobtrusive) on Kirsty's torso. She is at an age where she is clearly not a toddler, but also not old enough to be a nude. When you are building your portfolio, I think that the more universal your portraits' appeal, the more easily potential clients can envision their children in a portrait painted by you. Given the value pattern and movement you have considered, if you were to paint in such an article of clothing, it would work best as something light, airy, and in a value and hue quite similar to the skin tones.

Personally I find this to be a lovely piece, and very much look forward to seeing more of your work.

Kindest regards,
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