Thread: Sepia secrets
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Old 09-07-2002, 12:21 AM   #6
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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Thanks, Mike, I'm beginning to make my peace with it too. It was instructive to be away from it a while and then come back to it with "fresh eyes". I had just watched a Gregg Kreutz video in which he spotted a drawing error in his figure, and fearlessly painted over a lot of work to lengthen an upper leg by about 20% -- a big change. I don't know that I would have complained about the original, but it looked SO much better after the revision. That gave me the courage to go after my own creation with "tough love", and I'm happy with the results.

In any case, I'm pretty sure I'm done fiddling with it, for fear of spoiling it. Despite my perhaps neurotically tight style, there are nonetheless some spontaneous, serendipitous "mini-events" happening in there that would be a shame to lose. Now I have to try to get a decent photo of the finished piece.

Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

"You must be present to win."
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