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Old 02-04-2008, 12:57 PM   #2
Thomasin Dewhurst Thomasin Dewhurst is offline
'06 Artists Mag Finalist, '07 Artists Mag Finalist, ArtKudos Merit Award Winner '08
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Joined: Nov 2006
Location: U.K.
Posts: 732
It's great that you organized life sessions for yourself and your artist friend. I hope it continues to work out for you. What you could do in between the sessions is work on the problems you had by doing self-portraits studies so that you keep your hand in working from life and when you get back to your life session you are much more practiced and knowledgeable. Just half an hour a day, even. I find that if I go a day without putting paint down I lose so much and feel so unfit!

Your current painting looks like it has plenty of things working in it. It would be great to see, as well, an image just of the painting without the reflected light so we can get a good look at it. Do you have one you could post?

Great job of getting going with life work!
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