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Old 08-31-2002, 08:17 PM   #13
Timothy C. Tyler Timothy C. Tyler is offline
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Yep, Marvin the cup is very full. It's a high standard I hold Sargent, Paxton and a few others to.

I see the horizon line about at the neck of the seated woman. I still am bothered by the two areas mentioned. If I knew how to work the fancy lines over image thing some people can do I'd draw out what I mean. The small part on the left on the chest (left of the corner-on the top lip) seems not to answer to the same vanishing points as the draws on the face.

I, too, have long enjoyed this work and still do. That's part of why I'm taunted by the lines feeling and "appearing" wrong. The satin, the composition, the drawing , the color, etc. is right on!
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