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Old 11-03-2007, 03:39 AM   #121
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
SOG Member
FT Professional
'09 Honors, Finalist, PSOA
'07 Cert of Excel PSOA
'06 Cert of Excel PSOA
'06 Semifinalist, Smithsonian OBPC
'05 Finalist, PSOA
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(Belated) Thanks, Tom!

Two related bits of publicity for Apotheoun:

The Artist's Magazine 24th Annual Art Competion , has awarded Apotheoun, and two of my other portraits here on the Forum, as Finalists, in the Portrait and Figure category.

Also, the Artist's Magazine 2008 Limited-Edition Calendar, has Apotheoun published, representing the month of August.
Incidentally, John Ennis has a painting represented for April (congratulations, John!).

The other two Finalist portraits of mine in the Portrait and Figure category are Jane and Iona , and Arianna and Taylor .

Also for the Portrait and Figure category of Finalists, kudos on this Forum go to:

Marina Dieul Montreal QC
Kimberly Dow Corpus Christi TX
John Ennis Yardley PA
J. Kirk Richards Provo UT
Alexandra Tyng Narberth PA

The complete list in is here:

Also kudos to Thomasin Dewhurst, Finalist in the Experimental category.

Currently, Apotheoun and Arianna and Taylor are also on display at the Wayne Art Center, in Wayne, PA, as a part of the current group exhibition, "Portraiture: A Philadelphia Tradition" ; Through November 16, 2007.

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