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Old 10-30-2007, 09:00 PM   #44
Linda Ciallelo Linda Ciallelo is offline
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I spent a lot of years mixing compliments with triads, but recently started using black instead. Often times the color that I'm aiming for isn't the color I end up using. Once I put it on the canvas I change my mind. It's not always about matching a hue, chroma, and value exactly to the reference, but about what looks best in the painting. I have found that there can be a multitude of options as to how someone can interpret the colors of the reference as well as the options of how to mix them. I think Whistler is closest to my inherent color sense. His chroma is very subtle but he still uses some soft blues. It's not a matter of using blue "or" black, but "both". I usually don't have trouble "hitting" the color I'm after, but often change my mind after I put it on the canvas. I don't see how the Munsell system could help me with that. Maybe if I grayed the chroma down enough, it would look good with anything because it would be very neutral.
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