Thread: Going solo
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Old 10-30-2007, 03:02 PM   #36
Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco is offline
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Muchas gracias Carlos, and Julie, Garth, Enzie!
What a week it was! Garth, all the portraits in the show were previewed on the forum, and this tells it all about how important this place is for me, but I can post a painting which is somehow related to portraiture.
This is called "Ranuccio" after the boy in the postcard. It is a detail from a portrait by Titian, Ranuccio Farnese. I was trying somehow to link the two parts of my work, while paying hommage to such a master.
PS Carlos, I hope you haven't copyrighted viridian with envy, may I please use it from now on?
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Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco
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