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Old 10-26-2007, 04:23 PM   #25
Allan Rahbek Allan Rahbek is offline
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I have noted that the Munsell system is based on the visual contrasts that occur after looking at a color for a while and then removing it.
I have done some testings and to me it appears that all the after pictures tend to be relatively cool, no matter if it is the after picture from a cool or hot color. Maybe that is because the after picture is a genuine contrast, which means that it is also contrasting the value, and the after picture is always relatively lighter.

when painting we would not always want a lighter and cooler contrast, so how would this special bias on the Munsell wheel serve us?

I have no problems making neutrals from the RYB system. Al i have to think about is the contend of the three colors. I will attach a scale of red yellow mixtures to illustrate what I mean.
The top mixture is The bluish red ,Permanent Red + the bluish yellow, Cadmium Yellow Lemon. Because of the blue element in the mixture the orange hue has been lowered.

In the bottom example both mixing colors are without the blue element, closer to the goal so to speak.
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Allan Rahbek
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