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Old 10-21-2007, 07:13 PM   #4
Allan Rahbek Allan Rahbek is offline
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I was only trying to be helpful. I learned about color mixing 40 years ago, I believe it was the Johannes Itten system.
If you want to teach paint mixing you will have to deal with only three primary's, yellow, red and blue, this is the basic of the theory.

When it comes to actually mixing the paints, we must first analyze the content of these three primary colors in the paint we want to use.

I know that there are other theory's on color. Isac Newton, Wolfgang Goethe and Munsell.
Newton insisted on having the green included because it was much visible in spectral light.
Goethe's originated in his observations of how light changes when seen through mist. The white turns yellow, then orange and red with increasing density , think of the sunset.
I think that it is interesting to learn about different approaches, it can be great inspiration.
Allan Rahbek
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