Thread: Sizing Linen
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Old 08-29-2002, 05:30 PM   #1
Jeanine Jackson Jeanine Jackson is offline
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Sizing Linen

Dear Forum:

Today I successfully stretched raw medium linen over heavy 30" x 48" stretchers.

I believe the next step was also successful in which I - for the first time in my life - applied Frederics glue sizing per their instructions (12 water: 1 glue crystals ratio heated to dissolve). The canvas has tightend like a drum, but no damage to the frame - thank goodness.

My question is: How long should I allow this to dry before applying acrylic gesso?

Another question is: do you see any risk in tinting gesso with a little acrylic paint before applying oils? (I'd like to try the "Verdaccio" approach before starting the underpainting.) I tried this once before ("Roland W. Jackson") and it seems OK!

Thank you kindly for your reply,

Jeanine C. Jackson
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