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Old 10-10-2007, 08:42 AM   #1
Alexandra Tyng Alexandra Tyng is offline
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Portraiture: A Philadelphia Tradition

I'm very excited to announce that the Wayne Art Center in Wayne, PA is hosting a group portrait show of art by area portrait painters. This is an idea that John Ennis, Garth Herrick and I have been tossing around for some time but we didn't have the time or resources to actually get it together. We have a lot of very talented portrait artists in our area, and portraiture has a long and respectable history, yet the client base is rather cautious and conservative. It is said that people in Philadelphia, as in New England, don't commision portraits, they have portraits. This is an exaggeraton, of course, but the idea of the show is to remind the public of this tradition and demonstrate that it continues today, and get them thinking about the possiblities!

The opening reception is Sunday, October 28, 3-5 p.m.

There will be a group portrait demo on Thursday, November 1, at 7:00 p.m.

There wil be an artists' gallery talk (informal) on Thursday, November 8, at 12:30 p.m.

The participting artists will be: Rachel Constantine, Addie Cooper, Ellen Cooper, John Ennis, Jennifer Frudais, Bill Hanson (sculptor), Glenn Harrington, Garth Herrick, Nancy Bea Miller, Ernie Norcia, Catherine Prescott, Jimm Scannell, and Alexandra Tyng.

If you happen to be in the Philadelphia area, please come and join in the festivities!
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