Thread: Plein air Jerry
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:09 AM   #4
Vianna Szabo Vianna Szabo is offline
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Joined: Feb 2002
Location: Romeo, MI
Posts: 200
Thank you Debra and Linda,

I have been plein air painting for about three years. I go painting with a group every Tuesday. Now I keep my pochade box in my car so I am ready to paint whenever I have a free moment. The first two years I created an enormous amount of bad paintings. Finally something clicked and I have been having success. It is a wonderful way to sharpen your eye and learn to simplify your subject. I am now finding that it has impacted my studio work. I am much quicker and less likely to overwork larger paintings. As far as commissions, I am painting a lot of babies and toddlers, they are difficult to photograph much less paint plein air
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