Hello Linda again,
That bus driving experience has to be filled with astonishing faces!
How do you protect yourself from all the aggression (or positivity?)
To tell you the truth, I even dogged a secret tunnel from my apartment to my art studio, just to not meet my neighbors in the morning, in order to limit the loose of "energy" I need to start to paint!
Especially I am afraid of an old woman who was: -born in that Parisian courtyard, -was living her whole life in it and will certainly die here... I suppose... She is that old French person who knows everything about everybody, from whom even the cats are jumping away as soon as they see her. In addition in her apartment nothing changed since 50 years... NO shower of course...
So that person is just obsessing me, She lives above us and I know every movement in her flat: when she wakes up, when she goes to sleep, if she is happy (in this case she dances alone a TANGO) or she is in a bed mood (in this case she closes her window in a very loud way)... and of course she is always in her window...
and her name (you won't believe that!) is: Ms NEVER (Mademoiselle JAMAIS) which clearly indicates everything...