Expand Your Creative Potential
by Dr Greg Frost
As difficult as it may be to believe, everyone carries within them the ability to be brilliantly creative. This is a skill like any other, one which must be learned and exercised properly in order to reach its maximum potential. There are no exceptions to the rule; regardless of who you are or where you are from you too have a creative mind that can rival that of any professional. You simply need to learn how to use it!
Underneath are a series of five activities which you can do to get the juices in your head flowing and to unlock the creativity which is buried deep within your mind that you may not have been aware even existed.
Start a journal. True creativity stems from the ability to analyze and imitate the world around you; simply saying that something happens it not enough, it is necessary to understand the how and the why as well. In your journal try to select one item from your day which you deem to be the most memorable and record it in as much detail as possible. Try to describe what you were thinking, feeling, smelling, seeing and doing when it occurred. By gaining a deeper insight into these events you will gain the ability to look deeper into all aspects of life and eventually to use these extra observations in creative ways.
Attempt to make something from nothing. Pick up a piece of wood or soap and a carving knife and see where your hands take you. It is not necessary to have a blueprint in order to do this; your hands have a creative ability all their own and will find their way with or without your help. At first your creation may appear to be abstract rather than to contain form and figure; however, over the course of time they will begin to take on definite shape.
Participate in a community theater production. This is particularly easy if you are a part of a religious organization, as they often put on several varied performances throughout the year; this is particularly true of one that seems to have a large following of younger children involved.
Build a treehouse. It is in youth that your creative potential is the greatest, simply because you have not yet learned that certain things simply cannot be done. Building a treehouse will serve to remind your mind of happier times in which you were able to run free and you did not yet learn how to place restrictions on your mind. You may be surprised at what your finished product will look like by the time your creativity is done with it.
Take time every day to daydream. Imagine things you would like to do, things you do not want to do and things that you will do. There is only one rule; during your daydreaming time you are not allowed to be practical. You cannot think about what is on your to-do list or what the latest problem at work is. This is your time to allow your mind to explore its creativity in the form of free thought
Dr Greg Frost is the Director of ChargedAudio