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Old 07-21-2007, 06:00 AM   #10
Allan Rahbek Allan Rahbek is offline
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[QUOTE=Sharon Knettell
Vermeer's "Girl withe the Pearl Earring" is an example. It is vividly, quiveringly real, yet exquisite in it's poetic descriptiveness. It asks something more of us, to simply open our heart to beauty.[/QUOTE]

I agree that art is about beauty, beauty of structure, beauty of color and beauty of many other aspects.

I don't believe in "protest painters" because the protest is not their real motive for making the painting, they are trying to make something real, something beautiful ! The reason why such trends gets so boring is that the painters are not good enough, they have'nt got the sense of beauty.

I can't think of a better question than; how to define beauty?
Allan Rahbek
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