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Old 07-14-2007, 08:56 AM   #7
Linda Ciallelo Linda Ciallelo is offline
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I read through the entire review by Mr. Gopnick thinking "ok, so when will he tell us what "is" art". But it never came. The man has no hope. I found myself wondering why he doesn't just kill himself and get it over with. People paint things in their lives that they find interesting, or beautiful . I hesitate to use the term "beautiful " because it's not something , according to modern critics, that we ,as painters, should be looking for. His article in the end just convinced me more than ever that I should just be painting for my own happiness. It's noone elses business what I paint or how I paint it. Mr. Gopnick can paint his own paintings and until he does, he has no right to criticize mine. I feel that way often about commissioned portraits. People have an image in their minds eye of what they want. If I don't produce that image then they will complain. I have often thought, " why don't you just paint it yourself then?" Mr. Gopnick is only one person and doesn't know any more about art than anyone else. What he "is" good at is politics. That's how he became an authority on art.
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