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Old 06-28-2007, 04:35 AM   #9
Ngaire Winwood Ngaire Winwood is offline
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Thanks heaps for your sound comments. Yes I didn't realise it would be a tricky pose until I was knee deep in it. I just like the composition for her personality. I have certainly learnt a lot and I will definitely try to make it easier on myself the next time. I found it hard to organise model and day weather to be compatible for artwork, this certainly was an eye opener for me.

I will have a better set up next time.

I have greyed down the eyes, shoulder, and jaw (in shadow), it seems to have made a difference, I think with the focus back on her eyes again. Also blue/lavender in the hair for highlights. I hope the changes I made passes your scrutiny.
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Ngaire Winwood
Smile a While!
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