Karin, you have encapsulated the best of the reasons why we use photographs with your eloquence.
Once your painting leaves your control (come on, let it go), very few viewers are going to consider, much less care, HOW it came to be. Ever hear "the ends justify the means"? In my opinion only the finished painting matters. Are we seeking brownie-points with purists, or trying to produce the best work we can with the tools/skills available to us?
I use a digital camera, and make my own prints. I was amazed to discover that todays printers can print more than the eye can see. I had produced a fairly dark print, with the darks far too dark, as you've described. I invested in a simple light box (5 lux) and was amazed to see the lost detail now revealed! It's ALL there. Cast shadows, core shadows, reflected light within shadows, wonderfully defined lost edges. A very dramatic result from such a simple step.!