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Old 05-14-2007, 09:50 AM   #5
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Hi Christy,

And thanks for the wow! I am glad you feel the same about layering pastels and mixing paint. I was pretty frustrated at first, with the colors and values available only being able to locate to a major metro stop, and not a specific local street address, to use an analogy. But with laering and juxtaposing various neighboring colors, or even triads and compliments together, the desired local color effect comes about. I guess paint can be similarly mixed and juxtaposed on the canvas as well, but it is often more direct and safe to pre-mix the desired color on a palette first. So far, pastels are a slower, but more colorfully expressive way to paint an image for me. Also big corrections like moving an eye a quarter of an inch are easily executed with these pastels, with their layering ability.

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