My fellow artists, if you are not sure how you can get involved here is the first thing where you can contribute. If your communicating skills are well trained in advertising and writing we need to talk. If you have a excellent sense for design and promotion we need to talk. If you have a uncle that has a printing press we need to talk. If you are bilingual we need to talk. If you have good connections with the local or national paper we need to talk. If your uncle manages a hotel in your area we need to talk. If your brother or sister is a figure in the community, state country we need to talk. If you have sold less then five paintings or drawings this year and you did not earn enough to cover five months rent on your flat we need to talk. If you just care and you wish to help we need to talk.
To what extent this will grow depends on individual participation. How will it work? It all depends on ones vision, balanced and solid planing.