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Old 05-10-2007, 04:05 PM   #2
Mischa Milosevic Mischa Milosevic is offline
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Joined: Dec 2005
Location: Bad Homburg, Germany
Posts: 707
Just for clarifications sake, in no way am I thinking of starting a art club. There are to many art clubs around, especially in my area.
I will be and am talking with these organizations "art clubs" to see what would be the extent of their involvement.

My idea is to reach out to serious artists and reach individuals that wish to be serious artists. Sure that there is different skill levels and the opportunity will be extended to all that wish to get involved.

There are quite a few different avenues one can take with this and I am sure that you all have some thought on the mater. These ideas are welcome. One idea, crumb if you may, is to offer participating artists, individuals that are serious about the craft, a chance to develop their skills by long term studying with someone in their area. This opportunity will be extended with minimal costs if any but it will involve their time and in helping other individuals to learn. The skilled artists will benefit in a number of other ways. I plan to involve professional artists from other countries and continents and all to their benefit.

There is more and if you are a visionary and a individual of action we can talk. One more thing if you like the idea and you care to get involved know that everything will be and must be a 100% transparent.
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