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Old 05-10-2007, 09:18 AM   #1
Mischa Milosevic Mischa Milosevic is offline
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Developing the Artist Community in Europe

What ever ones interest in regard to this topic I would love to hear from you. As the saying goes 'more heads are better than one'.

At the moment, I am developing different levels of art my personal, that I may be the best that I can be, community, national and Europe wide.

The idea of this project is to promote skill, professionalism and a sense of gratitude to the teachers of the past "The Masters of Old". One aspect of promotion is competition and exhibits. At the moment, I have some solid contacts that will contribute and will be of extreme impact as this project develops. I also have huge space and ideal space, that I can use for such events at operating cost. I plan to have the support of professionally acclaimed artists as judges. These artists will be artists that have international recognition as portrait artists and as instructors and artists whose goal is to promote other artists.

Even though I love adventure and would climb Mount Everest my self but I have learn't that wen doing something for someone it is best to get them involved. If you would like to get involved and you are from Europe even if you are not from Europe and you like to get involved please let me know by writing to me personally.

If you like to contribute via this post you are quite welcome for that to is quite important as well for I respect the voice of my fellow artists.

Thank you for taking the time to respond
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