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Old 08-21-2002, 08:35 AM   #10
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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Location: Port Elizabeth, NJ
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Doreen, I'm also lucky enough to have two very photogenic granddaughters, and so far I've painted six portraits or figurative works of them, either together or separately. Family members are another wonderful lode. And it helps to paint different types, ages and genders, so that a look at your portfolio reminds someone that they'd love to have a portrait of their aging mother, and so forth. I have seen recommendations that it's good to have your subjects dressed in a manner that makes them look affluent, like the typical portrait subjects you see in areas where they're popular as potential family heirlooms, rather than doing character studies. I've done both and it doesn't seem to matter in my area.

By the way, several of my paintings are from quite old photos I've taken, either of strangers or of family members. I carry my camera with me almost wherever I go, and take shots on the beach, at parks, and so forth. If you're a camera bug too, you may have lots of material you haven't even thought of.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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