Originally Posted by Karine Monaco
Hello Garth,
I love this pastel a lot.
Perfect spontaneity.
I admire your work, and the heart you put in your paintings and drawings. Your formal oil paintings are great and technically impressive. I am however very glad to see you posting simple pastel sketches, which let you express your artistic sense so spontaneously.
I did not think the boy was putting on a tie when I first saw the picture. Actually I thought, at first sight, that his elbows where leaning on a table. I understood later when looking more closely, that he was holding drumsticks in his hands and that there was a cymbal too.
I agree with Alex : if you want to emphasize the importance of the instrument in your composition, it could be a little bit more clarified. This would make the painting more readable.
Also, concerning what Steve wrote about the drumsticks, I would add that you may want to rectify them a bit, by straightening them up. They look curved on the sketch, and this might be the reason why some people may think of it as being a tie...
I saw the photos you posted in the resource photo critiques, and the way you handled the shirt's drawing, color and light, compared to what we can see on the photo, does give a soft and fleeting mood to the sketch, that helps revealing the boy's character I think.
Dear Karine, thanks!
I apreciate the echoed response to the "spontineity". That means a lot to me.
Your obsevation of the sticks appearing less than straight is duly noted. Good point!
As to the "soft and fleeting mood", I am still getting to know who the slightly mysterious Cole is as an individual, and soft and fleeting generally applies well to kids as part of their inherent charm. He has a tough and perhaps tenaciously stubborn quality too that should stead him well on the coming road of life. With this portrait, the subtleties of facial reading and mood conveyance will be all important and integral to his likeness. This pastel spoke to his father as revealing of some of the endearing "aloof" qualities Cole may possess. What makes it easier for me is he is also purposely focused and very much in tune with how he wants to be presented in a portrait. He seems a keen observer.
As an aside, during Saturday's presentation, Cole actually spoke in response to his cartoon portrait sketch laying on a desk in before him: "Heh,---yeah." (spoken in a very flat tonality). Which means he evidently approves!