Thread: A study of Cole
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Old 04-09-2007, 09:58 AM   #12
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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They love it!

The client loves the pastel, stray hair and all! It makes things simpler for me.

Originally Posted by Steve Craighead
Very nice Garth. I think you have the right degree of sketchiness. I wouldn't refine it any further. Nice compositional idea too.
I wish Dan hadn't mentioned putting on the tie though. I keep seeing that now. Perhaps the drum sticks need to be rendered just a tad more to keep the viewer's mind on track. I wouldn't obscure the drums.
Dear Steve,

Thanks so much for your encouragement and vote of confidence! I really respect your work. I am not sure if I will do much more with this pastel anyway, since it is merely a working cartoon and has served it's intended purpose. I should tweak the drumsticks and a few things. I don't care for the blurred version all that much. Your insight is very helpful.

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