I'm trying Mike, heehehhe
Hi Mike and all,
I'm trying my best to educate my little corner of the elementary universe (all 950 of them that I see once a week).
Yes, along with being a painter during all my "free" time (chuckle chuckle) I am a full-time elementary art teacher. One of my pet peeves is exactly what you have brought up - although I do tolerate the G.P. attitude that "prints are original works of art" a little better than I used to. Maybe age has something to do with it!
My students are taught from kindergarten the difference between a "real" oil painting and a poster and "real" art vs. "sorta real" art. I'm sure you get my drift. Some come back the next year without remembering that the picture that is always on the back door of my room isn't the "real" Mona Lisa and they must be reminded and retaught. But by the end of their 6 years with me, they know that the "real" Mona Lisa is priceless and hanging behind bulletproof (hehe) glass in the Louvre in Paris.
Like I said, I am trying!