Thread: New Member
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Old 02-11-2007, 06:16 PM   #4
Alan Melson Alan Melson is offline
Juried Member
Joined: Jan 2007
Location: Taylorsville, GA
Posts: 9

Thank you for your kind words. The values in the actual painting of my daughter are darker in the flower shadows and certain other places( her right shoe) and leaf in upper left. However, I felt I had to make the adjustments somewhere in the photo tweaking. I need to learn how to better use the photo software. I look forward to exchanging ideas on this site and getting constructive criticism on improving my work and continuing to try new things and grow as an artist. I want to post some more pieces and studies in the critique section for advice on improving my work. Please let me hear your ideas. I want you to be as honest as my wife. Well, maybe not that honest. Seriously, she always lets me know but she is not an artist and subtle little things like edges or values or colors. She gets the big eyeball thing though real well or when something is bugging her about a painting. She gets that little migraine look on her face and I know I'm gett ing ready to hear it. And that's ok. But I need advice from the experienced artists like yourself.

Thanks again.
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