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Old 12-05-2006, 10:00 AM   #1
Alexandra Tyng Alexandra Tyng is offline
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Nelson Shanks: Mastery & Meaning, the Union League, Philadelphia

This past weekend Tom Edgerton came up to Philadelphia to see this show, and Garth Herrick and I joined him. It was a real treat for all of us to see these paintings together in one venue. Sometimes I am drawn to a reproduction, only to be disappointed by the reality. Shanks's paintings have the opposite effect on me. There is a richness, clarity and subtlety of color you just cannot see in a reproduction. The powerful presence of these artistic statements is also something that no reporduction can convey.

The Union League building is also worth seeing for all who appreciate Victorian architecture. It is right in the center of downtown Philadelphia, surrounded by tall office buildings and skyscrapers. Usually only club members get to see the inside, but the exhibition spaces are open to the public from 10-2 on Saturdays and Sundays, admission free.

While you are there, you can also see Garth's portrait of the past president, prominently displayed in a grand reception room along with the portraits of all past pesidents of the League. His portraits holds up very well next to the other work. Very impressive indeed!

Sorry I didn't bring my camera, but I'm hoping Garth (or was it Tom?) can post some.
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