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Old 11-29-2006, 10:36 PM   #10
Kimberly Dow Kimberly Dow is offline
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Besides google-ing - if you can check your website stats to see where hits are coming from, you might find some suprises as well.

What I have found is that folks will nab my paintings and use them on forums as avatars or such things. Usually it is harmless, except they are stealing bandwidth....and if you dont have much it could cost you. I find a lot on MySpace and other casual things. I did have an incident once where hits where coming from a porn forum. I couldnt figure it out without joining, so I let that one go. I figured someone using one of my nudes as an avatar on a site like that is better than registering and asking them to take it down. If there are still links from there next month I may have to though.

"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn

"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn
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