Michele, I couldn't agree more.
Vianna, I can totally relate. People don't get my name right either, mail comes addressed to Enzo, Envy, Nancy and even artenzie?!
My husbands name is Mehran (Iranian). He told me once that in his office a temp was working one day, when a VP came to see him. He was already in the conference room with other co-workers, when over the intercom the temp announce: "Mr. Moron, Mr. so and so is hear to see you" It's good my husband has a good sense of humor and laughed it off with everyone else.
Good etiquette requires that you either look up the spelling or ask someone how a name is pronounced, long before you meet with a client. Before meetings with clients, whose name give me trouble, I make sure to practice saying their name before I see them and practice spelling it if it is complicated. This eliminates embarrassing moments and impresses the other party that you took the effort to get it right.