I have a couple of model stands each in different locations. My fancy stand is like fine furniture and even has stairs.
Here is a picture of my old standby workhorse of a model stand that was built for me in 1977. The top is made of heavy plywood and is covered by a piece of carpet that I stapled to the overhanging edge of the top. Actually, there are two or three pieces of carpet with the top piece holding down the others.
The top measures 4x5 feet and it stands about 18 inches off the floor. It is very heavy but the big wheels make it easy to move.
The white speck above the near leg is actually a bolt that helps hold the leg in place.
If I have to raise or lower my subject, I pose them on my height adjustable office chair. Mostly I don't worry about the height thing.
I didn't build this, but I could. And if I could build it, anybody could.
The bamboo for the mahl stick came from my back garden when I lived in Arizona. I wish I had more, but that is another subject..