Hi Mari, I'm surprised to see you here, but glad that you decided to take a look at this. Thank you for taking the time to illustrate your point so beautifully.
I think I fell in love with her hair in this photo, and now I'm really seeing the dubious decision to base my choice on "hair" and not her face.
Here are two more shots that show form much better, and one just for personality. I could not get this young woman to stop smiling so we're going to have teeth in this painting!
I've lost her hands in one shot but have another showing the same placement, so I'm unconcerned about that. She's looking right at her mother and I like the love that shows so obviously in her face.
We also have the direct gaze toward the camera, which also is very engaging. She was sitting on the porch railing, hence the weird look of her hip on the left side. I would change that, and tone the brightness way down. I couldn't get her off the railing either. She said she was a little shy----Haha, no way! I loved working with her.
Of course her true colors came out with her "little angel" pose.
Since I haven't really chosen my ref yet, I've done very little cropping and no studies.