Thread: Young Woman
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Old 09-03-2006, 12:27 PM   #8
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Hi Michele,

Thank you for your reply and many, many congratulations! I've listened to the silence and thought much about Steven's comments and have been negotiating with the client about this particular pose. I love the backlight and the softness of her face in this shot. I also didn't like the arm position on the left and have done some studies. I moved the tree from the background to the forground and that works much better. No awkwardness, and it stops the eye instead of leading the eye right out of the painting. My biggest problem with this shot is her other arm. I want her hand in it. Period! She lives out of state, so I can't get her back here till Christmas so I will have to use a stand in. Then see if I like that.

I have many other shots that I love also, but they seem so "normal". I'll be back in later and post them. As I said before, I've been talking to the client about two other poses that were nice. So I'll post those.

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