Thread: Young Woman
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Old 08-17-2006, 12:17 AM   #2
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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Hi, Jean, long time no see, and sorry to hear that the physical impediments are still in play. Also -- I've tried some landscapes this summer, thinking I needed a break from the "too hard" portraits, and what a shocker. I have a renewed, deeply felt reverence for landscapists.

I tried to capture your image, using two different browsers, to no avail -- not your fault, but the result of my dial-up connection on a noisy, semi-rural line and my antiquated software. I'm not going to do anything about either, as I'm gradually becoming a happy Luddite.

So I'll have to just use words to say that I would definitely not try to produce a painting from this photograph. It simply cannot pass even the initial "squint" test, which shows a dark, roughly human-shaped object in front of a brilliantly-lit background. You would have to invent about 80 per cent of the lighting to make this work. Better to begin with a better resource. Your subject is interesting and beautiful and deserves to be placed in lighting sufficient to bring out those qualities.
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

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