Thread: My Latest Nude
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Old 08-14-2006, 01:15 PM   #2
Richard Bingham Richard Bingham is offline
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Joined: Jan 2006
Location: Blackfoot Id
Posts: 431
Jud, I noticed this thread received no replies. I think it deserves comment, even if I'm a month (?) late, especially since this "problem" is something I've been dealing with too. I've also posted images that elicit no response.

What do I think? I think it's a good start for a painting, which is about all one can hope for in a single session. I think it demonstrates the major problems that go along with sketching in oils within a short time frame . . . unresolved passages, and having to build upon a compositional snap judgment which may or may not be "great".

Anatomically, there appear to be problems with the shoulder and the attachment of the breast. Nothing that couldn't be worked out given enough time to refine and keep on painting. Solidity is convincing, as are the flesh tones, and I like your brushwork and paint handling . . . a lot!

What do you think of single-session painting? What are your goals for working this way?
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