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Old 07-31-2006, 10:34 AM   #7
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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The formatting problem I was referring to has to do with different recording standards in various parts of the world. For the sake of simplicity, NTSC would be North American, and PAL would be Australian. These days, it's rare to find a video tape player that will play back more than one mode. (For that reason, I had the PAL videos I purchased while living in Australia converted to NTSC DVDs for playback here in the U.S. Unfortunately, those now-useless-to-me PAL videos are shelved about 1250 miles away from me, being held under duress in the dark without food or water, so I can't just pop them into the mail for you. Perhaps later in the fall [your spring, down under].)

I'm betting that you would have to have tapes in the PAL mode, in order to play them on your machine. I was about to offer some available tapes for your viewing, but then I realized that my NTSC-mode videos probably wouldn't work for you.

As for which ones to look for, I guess all I can add to everyone else's lists posted on Forum is that I perhaps found the greatest benefit for the price in videos from Daniel Greene, John Howard Sanden, and anything from Helen Van Wyk. I've viewed dozens of other video/DVD offerings, but those artists all convey heaps of basic but very useful information that will serve you well.

Edit: By the way, I'd get any such instructional materials on DVD, rather than video, if possible. The time is foreseeable when video playback devices will be pretty much obsolete, and video tape itself degrades over time. Also, the DVD format permits you to easily skip around in the presentation.

That's just a caveat, from someone who nonetheless still owns a turntable and several hundred LP record albums.
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

"You must be present to win."
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