I know you have been on the path of development for a while now, so I am not hesitating to ask you this question.
If you had a choice of three/four videos to watch, one on drawing, one on colour and one on portraiture (oils and pastels), who and why would you feel comfortable about recommending? Not only for a dvd but for vhs and book as well. As you may remember, I am a beginner with very limited experience who is also taking time out to train in isolation geographically, financially and socially due to living down under.
I know it is bit of a tough one to ask you. There has been a few I have read in here over the last hew years who have asked similar questions.
I realise it is up to the individual in the end. Norrowing the field down is the problem.
So far, I am choosing between Daniel Green, John Sanden, Burton Silverman, Zorn, Margret Baugementer ?, Morgan W, Richard Schmid. I also want to get a bust for drawing practice, e.g. one male and one female maybe 'homer' not simpson.
Any suggestions most welcome.