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Old 07-25-2006, 10:13 PM   #3
Janel Maples Janel Maples is offline
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Joined: Oct 2003
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 328
Yes, Alex, for me this was quite and undertaking but it went remarkably fast after I finished the portrait of three sibblings. One subject was a treat.

I apologize for not being able to send closeups at the moment. I already delivered the painting to the museum and I only took this photo of it. It is too bad, there are some subtle transitions to her body that no longer show up when I resized the image in PS. Perhaps when I get it back next month I can get some better pictures of it by taking it outside to shoot.

This is 48 x 68 when framed. It did fit nicely into my van to deliver. It is a good thing my children talked me into getting a van. A year ago I was driving a VW beetle. That wouldn't have worked.
Janel Maples
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