I don't know if they ever made all four of the videos they originally planned, but I saw the June and November ones. I also bought the book, but it arrived as my mother's health was declining, and I haven't yet had a chance to read it through.
In one of the videos he discusses color charts and how he uses them. This was covered extensively in the book as well.
I find that, after watching several different videos, it seems that there are innumerable ways of approaching the job of painting a picture. I have often commented that if the artists from all these videos were assembled in one room, a fist fight might break out. Each has a different approach, and different philosophy (for instance, Morgan Weistling insists that painting is nothing more than drawing... and don't you forget it. David Leffel says painting is approached with a completely different mindset from drawing. Each has merit, but the Leffel approach works better for me).
The videos on the market today are very useful, and are well worth the money. Their real value is in the diversity of approaches that can be seen from a wide variety of artists.