Originally Posted by Mari DeRuntz
Ah, allegory! What a relief!
This is an interesting, thoughtful exploration of human form, and so deserves to be bumped to the top of the category, as we are all interested in this section surviving the titilation of most contemporary soft-porn nudes.
This rings with the spirit of both Cynthia's and Mr. Whitakers hopes for this section. Thank you.
I sincerely agree that Heidi's allegory is fully deserving of top honors here, but I hope I am not reading the inference that other works of art presented here might be considered less than worthy of both Cynthia and Mr. Whitaker's hopes for this section.
I for one, proudly stand that everything thus far offered here is fully wholesome, uplifting, dignified, and worthy of inclusion, and there is nothing that could be even remotely inferentially derogatory; and wish to think the mention and wording choices of "titilation", and "soft-porn nudes" are not offered in association with any of the works of art that have been moderated honorably and thoughtfully into this particular section.
Again in assessment, my hat is off to Heidi as well, for raising the bar of the dignified representation of nudes and figures in the fine arts in a visionary and wonderfully uplifting way; but I don't mean for this supportive statement and stand to contextually read as a possible comparitive denigration of her peers, as I hope no one does. I cheer for us all here nobly and honorably pioneering this section with vision and purpose (with Heidi as an exemplar of inspiration), and I trust you sincerely do as well.
PS: I don't think it is going too off topic to acknowledge you have a wonderful and very instructive blog. Thanks, Mari. I hope you will present one of your own works here too, in the not too far off future.