Thread: Teeth Showing
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Old 04-21-2002, 03:00 PM   #6
Jim Riley Jim Riley is offline
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I agree with Michele's comments and would add that as difficult as they are it is neccessary to learn how to paint them. You will have occasions when it you must include the teeth but otherwise I find the big grin with teeth an indication that the subject has responded to something of the moment or to the presense of a camera and is thereby less revealing of long term personality and character.

I would avoid charging extra for teeth or any other parts of the face and head. Would you charge less for one ear showing and long hair versus short, etc? I don't think you want to get into piecemeal assembly discussions with clients.

Attached is a detail of a posthumous portrait with the biggest full mouth/teeth challenge I ever had to face. Actually, I dread more so the kind that I will soon face when I paint an older gentleman with crooked and discolored teeth showing through a half smile.
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Jim Riley
Lancaster Pa. Portrait Artist
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