Thread: Drawing Help
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Old 06-19-2006, 04:09 AM   #2
Mischa Milosevic Mischa Milosevic is offline
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Lara, this is wonderfully done! The hair is soft, the skin is soft it is a excellent representation. I have not much experience with working from photos, rather from life, I am forced to learn the distortion issues.
Now, please accept my suggestions with a grain of salt, as the saying goes.

There are a few things that I would consider. First her top lip (where the reflected lite is). If you wish to preserve her original smile as is in the photo than I would bring that part of the lip down a touch. That would cover the teeth some but I think that is ok. Look at the teeth again the angle in front.

The chin mite need some adjusting. Distortion I think. It seems like it is to big for her face.

The bridge of her nose is pointing out just a touch.
Her right shoulder, our left, because of camera distortion, it is small. I would just extend a line from the high point and give an indication of a arm.
One more thing the sterno-mastoid muscle stands out just a touch.

I hope this helps.
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